If you are involved in a car accident and sustain personal injuries in the course of your employment, you may be able to file a lawsuit for damages. In circumstances where the at-fault driver is also in the course of his/her employment at the time of the car accident, and they are eligible for coverage under the Workers’ Compensation Act, you will be unable to advance a lawsuit for your personal injuries.
However, in circumstances where the at-fault driver is not in the course of their employment at the time of the car accident or is not eligible for coverage under the Workers’ Compensation Act, you may be able to advance a personal injury lawsuit.
If you suffer personal injuries as the result of a car accident while in the course of your employment, you must file a claim with the Workers’ Compensation Board. You may also choose your own lawyer or look to the Workers’ Compensation Board to appoint a lawyer for you; The Workers’ Compensation Board will retain the lawyer on your behalf.
The Workers’ Compensation Board will have a subrogation claim for any benefits that they pay out as a result of your personal injuries sustained in the car accident.
If you have been involved in a car accident and suffered personal injuries in the course of your employment, contact a knowledgeable lawyer at Law Fifty One LLP to see what options may be available to you in order to claim compensation.